Friday, February 19, 2010

Meeting Minutes 2-11-10
Second planning meeting of Milan’s 125th Celebration
Brought to order @ 7:05 p.m.
Linda Gilson: Facilitator
An agenda and last meeting minutes was distributed to all attendees
Linda asked that everyone sign in.
Last meeting minutes were approved-motion by Susan Wess, second by Ron Morey
Open discussion:
The Milan Area Historical Society has generously offered to make the 125th committee a substructure of the MAHS. This will allow and grant many opportunities to the 125th.
The MAHS will donate $300 as seed money to the 125th with the understanding that if it is possible it be returned. Otherwise it will be considered a donation
The 125th will need to appoint/elect officers to handle the affairs of the committee: Committee Chair, First vice Chair, Second vice Chair, Third vice Chair. These titles can be replaced with other titles as the 125th committee deems and the number of officers can be changed based on need.
All monies collected by the 125th will be placed in a restricted account and managed by the MAHS with the direction of the 125th committee.
Voted on the motion to accept the MAHS offer-motion made by Ron Morey, second by Sallie Bancroft. Approved unanimously
Officers of the 125th
Chair – Linda Gilson
First Vice Chair/Secretary – Jeri Burbank
Second Vice Chair – Julie Zawacki
Third Vice Chair – to be filled at a later date
Dave and Mike were not present-discussion of the logo and colors are tabled until the next meeting.
Monthly events:
Beautification Committee is meeting next week
Kiwanis Club is meeting this night
Discover Milan meets soon, no date has been set as of yet
No other changes at this time
125th anniversary banners on all the light poles in the City
Everyone asked to consider all options
Ask the City for funding of the banners
Create a book on all the businesses, churches, schools, etc. to sell. Have these entities buy into the book. Then sell it at a profit. The pictures will be taken by a professional photographer at no charge to the 125th. This book will promote current time for these entities so that 125 years from now there will be a record of 2010. Martha and Dave are currently coauthoring a book on Milan. The 125th will coordinate with them to make sure efforts are not be duplicated.
Create a form for the sponsors to fill out and have a receipt as well.
Suggestions from the floor:
Post the minutes on our Blog
Discuss the creation of a website
Ask the business owners to place a sign in their window of what their business was like 125 years ago
Ask the Milan Foundation if we are able to apply for funding. However, it is believed the funding isn’t available until August.
Look for a City that has already celebrated 125 years that may have banners we could purchase at a good price.
Next meeting is scheduled for February 24, 2010 @ 7:00 p.m. in the Old Fire Barn
Adjourned: 8:05 p.m.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Meeting Minutes 1-26-10
First planning meeting of Milan’s 125th Celebration
Brought to order @ 7:15 p.m.
Linda Gilson: Facilitator
An agenda and a written draft of a slide presentation was distributed to all attendees
All those present introduced themselves and stated what, if any, organization they represented
A length of time for the meeting was determined: 1 hour
Volunteer for a timekeeper was requested: Barb Atkinson volunteered
Volunteer to be note keeper was requested: Jeri Burbank (under duress) volunteered
Linda Gilson mentioned the reasons for the meeting then began a slide presentation
Open discussion:
Mike and Dave volunteered to create a logo and slogan
It was suggested the logo be placed on all the signs entering the City
Sales of T-shirts and ball caps with this logo could help fund this year long event
Need to discuss advertising
Need to look into "in kind" donations rather than strictly looking at money donations
Need to consider what type of fundraising will be needed
It was suggested we contact other cities to see how they were able to fund their anniversary celebrations
Sallie showed Milan papers from past anniversary celebrations in Milan to give an idea of what was done in the past
Discussion of colors to be determined after the logo is created
Mike is going to research 125 years to see if there are specific colors associated with this number
Milan’s Beautification Organization has volunteered to distribute and plant flowers in the colors that are chosen for the 125th
Milan Garden Club has offered to help the Beautification Organization in their efforts for planting throughout the City
It was suggested volunteers from many of the Milan organizations take turns at watering the flowers that will be planted.
Each organization present will network to lend a hand and resources to help promote each others events throughout the year.
Everyone to communicate with Linda on their thoughts for everything discussed this night.
Everyone was asked to make sure they signed in so we will all be able to communicate with one another in the future. A list of attendees will be distributed.
Next meeting is scheduled for February 11, 2010 @ 7:00 p.m. in the Old Fire Barn
Adjourned: 8:15 p.m.